Friday, July 7, 2017

What's the deal with

There was an article on MyFunnyPalace on June 13 titled: "98-Year-Old Just Donated $2 Million In Stock To Create A Wildlife Sanctuary."

A article from June 4 was titled: "This 98-Year-Old Just Donated $2 Million In Stock To Create A 395-Acre Wildlife Refuge."

They're the same article.  And normally I'd chalk this up to plagiarism except I don't really know what the deal is with BoredPanda, either.  Apparently it's some story-publishing platform.  It has the same "feel" as sites like EliteDaily.  You know...quirky and uplifting stories, combined with art, animal and trivia posts. The site has almost 10,000,000 Facebook followers, which sounds like a lot!

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